jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

... there are no second chances ...

Siempre es dificil retomar un habito qe habia qedado olvido, en mi caso, el de recurrir a un blog despues de un largo dia, hacia mas de dos años qe no me decidia sobre volver a escribir o no, supongo qe este fin de año & todas las cosas por las qe he pasado me obligaron a tomar una decicion, asi qe supongo qe el resultado de todo esto, esta aqi...
Como todo nuevo incio, se reqiere de un gran inicio, asi qe decidi empezar esta nueva etapa con una gran cancion.

Time to pass you to the test.
Hanging on my lover's breath.
Always coming second best. Pictures of my lover's chest.
Get through this night, there are no second chances.
This time I might.
To ask the sea for answers.
Always falling to the floor, softer than it was before.
Dog boy - media whore, it's who the hell you take me for.

Give up this fight, there are no second chances.
This time I might.
To ask the sea for answers.
These bonds are shackle free, wrapped in lust and lunacy.
Tiny touch of jealousy, these bonds are shackle free.

Get through this night, there are no second chances.
This time I might.To ask the sea for answers.
These bonds are shackle free
These bonds are shackle free
These bonds are shackle free
These bonds are shackle free

Get through this, there are no second chances.
This time. To ask the sea for answers.


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